Saturday 24 June 2017

Dreaming Spires

I've been wanting to create an illustrative map of my hometown, Oxford, for quite a while now. After a little research I came across plenty of interesting things to draw. With a total of 38 colleges on offer (13 appear on my selected slice of Oxford's city centre), Oxford is filled with an varied richness of: restaurants, shops and enough pubs for a jolly good pub crawl.

That was a few months ago and then other projects took precedence and I lost my momentum. Fast forward to two weeks ago and what should come across my path, but a map making course given by Nate Padavick (They Draw and Travel) on Sketchbook Skool. Perfect, it was a no brainer. A week long course, with the potential of a completed map (for me, of Oxford) at the end of it. So, I dove in (add to a the other three courses I'm was already doing—I'll never learn!)
The course was inspiring and the instruction from concept to finished map, clear and easy to follow. I've uploaded my map to TDAT's website, with a feeling of achievement. If you'd like to see the whole map, you can here

You may also be interested to hear, as an artist, and in the light of environmental challenges, I'm currently writing a creative E-Course. Due to appear later in the year or early 2018.
In it, the problem is addressed through hands on creativity, along with sources, resources and an informed environmental awareness.
It's an E-Course for adults wishing to take time for themselves creatively as well as meet others of a like mind. Regardless of artistic experience or creative level—so that includes you!
If you'd like to be kept up to date on my E-Course as it progresses, or have always wanted to take part in a creative class, with an environmental flavour, please, sign up for my newsletter to be kept up to date on my progress: here
The newsletter is a digital feast that will arrive in your inbox monthly, it also includes my most current illustrative work.

Thank you for reading.

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